Minggu, 15 Desember 2019

Simple Present Tense in Movie

anyeong yeorobun 😊☺️
today i want  share to you about simple present in movie. now i use "partner" movie. so lets find the characteristic of simple present. 💪

click here for watching movie !!! 😍

Lets Learning Engling with Watching Movie

hai, guys.. actually learning english is not only in school or in the course but, we can learning english with watching movie also.
curious right?  how does it feel to learn english through watching?

let's check here!!! 😊

How to Make 3D Text in Ms. Paint ?

Microsoft Paint 
Microsoft Paint (formerly Paintbrush) is a simple raster graphics editor that has been included with all versions of Microsoft Windows. The program opens and saves files in Windows bitmap (BMP), JPEGGIFPNG, and single-page TIFF formats. The program can be in color mode or two-color black-and-white, but there is no grayscale mode. For its simplicity and that it is included with Windows, it rapidly became one of the most used applications in the early versions of Windows, introducing many to painting on a computer for the first time. It is still widely used for simple image manipulation tasks.

Listening Testing


Testing Phoneme Discrimination

Sounds are sometimes difficult to discriminate in a language other than one's native language, especially if the sounds are not distinguished in the native language. There are several ways to test phoneme discrimination, that is, ability to tell the difference between different sounds. One way to test phoneme discrimination is to have the testees look at a picture and listen to four words and decide which word is the object in the picture. The words chosen as alternatives should be close to the correct word.

Sabtu, 14 Desember 2019

E-book Collections

Book Title
 Introduction to Functional Grammar 

 Speed Reading 
Reading Download
Spoken English 
Speaking Download
Semantics Download
2nd Language Acquisation 
Languange Acquisation Download
 Introduction to sociolingistic
Linguistics Download
 The Study of Languange 
 Intro to Semantics 
Art of Reading Journal 
Lesson From Good Languange Learning LanguangeDownload

Minggu, 24 November 2019


Pembelajaran Oposoft Video Editor
Oposoft Video Editor

  Aplikasi ini merupakan software yang berfungsi untuk mengedit video dengan gratis. Aplikasi ini sangat mudah dan tidak rumit untuk digunakan, sehingga kita bisa dengan cepat menyelesaikan sebuah file yang ingin di olah.

Windows Movie Maker

 Windows Movie Maker 

Windows Movie Maker atau disingkat WMM adalah sebuah program editing video yang sederhana, didesain untuk pemilik PC dengan sedikit pengalaman untuk membuat video rumahan.