Minggu, 24 November 2019


Pembelajaran Oposoft Video Editor
Oposoft Video Editor

  Aplikasi ini merupakan software yang berfungsi untuk mengedit video dengan gratis. Aplikasi ini sangat mudah dan tidak rumit untuk digunakan, sehingga kita bisa dengan cepat menyelesaikan sebuah file yang ingin di olah.

Windows Movie Maker

 Windows Movie Maker 

Windows Movie Maker atau disingkat WMM adalah sebuah program editing video yang sederhana, didesain untuk pemilik PC dengan sedikit pengalaman untuk membuat video rumahan.



Audacity adalah aplikasi perangkat lunak untuk merekam dan menyunting suara. Aplikasi ini bersifat open source dan sehingga dapat berjalan pada berbagai sistem operasi. Dengan Audacity, kita bisa mengoreksi suara tertentu, atau sekedar menambahkan berbagai efek yang disediakan.

Screen Capture


Screenshot atau Screen Capture adalah suatu gambar tampilan layar yang diambil dari gadget tertentu seperti misalnya perangkat komputer atau laptop, tablet PC, bahkan ponsel pintar (smartphone) dengan dukungan sistem operasi seperti iPhone (dengan iOS nya), smartphone dengan OS Android ataupun OS yang lainnya.

Sabtu, 23 November 2019


A.    Background of Gerund
            Our aim in writing about the gerund is to further the knowladge and remind me and the reader back to the language of the call pharese or phrases which are a group or a set of words that consist of two or more words, but in the for pof structure does not have a subject (people or things ) and does not have a title or an activity of the pepetrator, but it serves to build or establish a statement that is considered complete and to add information to a sense of a sentenec. While the gerund is a verb form of the first verb (infinitive) who once got into a noun suffix-ing . hopefully this paper useful ourself and readers.

Word Order

Word Order
            The positioning of the subject (S), verb (V), and object (O) in informationally neutral clause (without topic and focus ) id one of the major fifferences among languages. Permutations of the three clause inredients can give six possible word orders. However, not all six are equally attested in the world languanges. Typological generalization show that in the vast majority of human languanges, the basic word order is either SOV (about 45% in the world Atlas of Language Structure) or SVO (about 35.4 %) while orders like VSO (9%) or OSV (0.5%) are much less frequent or extremely rare.


Meaning Below the Morpheme : Sound Symbolism
            The question of what level of grammatical sructure a meaning should be attributed to may often be problematic, and boundary cases, where meanings seem to straddle several different grammatical units, occur quite frequently. One such boundary case is sound symbolis, ( also known as ideophony or onomatopoeia ).

Clause as Exchange

            To study of language, there are many structures to make a good grammar. Grammar is a policy to produce a good sentence. Before become a sentence, the word has a term obey the form. Such as, phrase, clause and then sentence. In this occasion, clause has some function in grammatical structure. There are clause as exchange, clause as message, clause as Significance of clause as exchange It is about the relationship speakers forge with listeners through the form of language. 

Languange Assessment


Choose the correct answer from the option a, b, c, or d (number 1-20)

1.       My father always reads . . . everymorning
A.      Computer
B.      Radio
C.      Television
D.      Newspaper
2.       Tina is a tailor. She makes . . .
A.      Clothes
B.      Bag
C.      Belt
D.      Ice cream

Sabtu, 09 November 2019


my first blog

assalamualaikum, wr.wb
 this is my first blog i hope this blog is usefull for you guys