Sabtu, 23 November 2019


A.    Background of Gerund
            Our aim in writing about the gerund is to further the knowladge and remind me and the reader back to the language of the call pharese or phrases which are a group or a set of words that consist of two or more words, but in the for pof structure does not have a subject (people or things ) and does not have a title or an activity of the pepetrator, but it serves to build or establish a statement that is considered complete and to add information to a sense of a sentenec. While the gerund is a verb form of the first verb (infinitive) who once got into a noun suffix-ing . hopefully this paper useful ourself and readers.

A.    The Formulation of the Problem
1.      What is gerund ?
2.      What are the functins of gerund ?
3.      What are the form of gerund ?
4.      How to use of Possessives and Pronouns with Gerunds ?

B.     Purposes
1.      To know the explanation of gerund
2.      To know the functions of gerund
3.      To know the form of gerund
4.      To know how to use of possessive and prnouns with gerund


            In traditional grammars of english, the term gerund is used to label an important use of the form of the verb ending in-ing (for details of its information and spelling, see English verbs). Other important uses are termed participle (used adjectivally or adverbially), and as a pure verbal noun.
            An-ing form is termed gerund when it behaves as a verb aithin a clause (so that it may be modified y an adverb or have an objetct), but the resulting clause as a whole (sometimes consisting of only one word, the gerund itself) functions as a noun within the larger sentence.
            Geruds are words that are formed with verbs but acts as nouns. They’re very easy to spot,since every gerund is a verb with ing tacked to its tail. There are no expectations to this rule.
The problem here is that present partciples also end with the letters ing. Besides being able to spot gerunds,  you should be able to tell the diference between a gerund and a present participle.

Examples :
As you read these axamples of gerunds, notice the verb they contain,  and notice that every single one of them ends in ing. By the end of this quick lesson,you’ll have no problem recignizing gerunds when you see them.
1.      Swimming in the ocean has been Sharon’s passion since she was five years old
2.      Bill avoided doing his math doing assignment because the world series wan on.
Just look for a verb + ing that is used a noun.

The gerund looks exactly the same as a present participle, but its useful to understand the difference between the twi. The gerud always has tthe same function as a noun (although its looks like a verb)
A.    Function of Gerunds

Although gerunds look like verb forms they function as nouns and can be used at many points in a sentence

1.      The Gerund as the Subject
e.g : 
·         Eating people is wrong
·         Hunting tigers is dengerous
·         Flying makes me nervous
2.      Gerund as Compliment of Verb “to be “
E.g :
·         One of his duties is attending meetings
·         The hardest thing about learning english is understanding the gerund.
·         My favorite pastime is reading
3.      Gerund as After Phrasal Verb
Phrasal verb are composed of a verb + preposition/adverb
e.g :
·         When will you give up smoking ?
·         She always put off going to the dentist
·         He kept on asking for money
4.      Gerund as Preposition
The gerund must be used when a verb comes after a preposition. This is also true of certain expressions ending in a preposition.
e.g :
·         Can you sneeze without opening your mouth ?
·         She is good painting
·         She avoided him by walking on theopposite side of the road.
5.      Gerund in Compound Nouns
The meaning is that of a noun, not of a continious verb.
e.g :
·         I am giving Sally a driving lesson
·         They have a swimmimg a pool in their back yard
·         I bought some new running shoes

1.      Gerund After Some Expressions
The gerund is necessary after the expressions can’t help, can stand, to be worth and it’s no use.
e.g :
·         She couldn’t help falling in love with him
·         I can stand being stuck in traffic jams.

A.    Form of Gerund
1.      Affermative
Active gerunds arethe-ing formof a verb. Passive gerunds are formed by using being + past participle
e.g :
·         Active : goverming a country is difficult
·         Passive : being governed by a good leader is what most citizens want.
2.      Negative
Not comes before the gerund. Possessive nouns of pronouns may also be used before gerunds.
e.g :
·         Active : not dedicating himself to peace is unthinkable fora man like Jimmy Carter.
·         Passive : not being dedicated to peace is unthinkable for a man like Jimmy Carter.
3.      By phrase with passive
As  with most passive sentenc, the by phrase is commonly omited.
e.g :
·         Active : everyone was delighted by  the committee’s inviting Jimmy Carter.
·         Passive : everyone was deligated by Jimmy Carter being invinited (by
            Gerunds can alsso have subjects and objects. In formal English, a possessive is used before a gerund. In informal English, nouns or ibject pronouns are often used.

B.     Use of Possessives and Pronouns with Gerunds
1.      Formal
In foral English,a possessive is used before a gerund
e.g :
·         Active :  everyone was moved by careter’s committing himself to the poor
·         Passive : everyone was moved by his being committed to the poor.
2.      Informal
In formal English nouns or object pronouns are often used
e.g :
·         Active : everyone was deligted by the committee inviting Jimmy Carter 
·         Passive : everyone was delighted by him being invited

C.    Gerund Following Prepositions
Gerunds are used to erplace nouns a s the objects of preposition infinitve ( to verb ) may not be used.
1.      Noun object of  a preposition
e.g :
·         Thanks for invitation
·         Thanks for the performance 
2.      Gerund object of a  preposition
e.g :
·         Thanks for inviting us
·         Thanks for performing for us 


A.    Conclusion
            Gerunds are words that are formed with verbs but acts as nouns. They’re very easy to spot, since every gerund is a verb with –ing tacked to its tail. There are no exceptions to this rule. Like all things grammar, gerunds do take a tiny bit of detective work to spot. The problem here is that present participles also end with the letters –ing. Besudes being able to spot gerunds, you should be able to tell didfference between a gerund and  a present a participle.

B.     Suggestion
     We recommend that readers learn about the grammar of gerunds. Then a lot is rading the book, then you will open the world window.

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